Thursday, July 24, 2008

Family Update

Summer Vacation is ending! School starts July 28. We have had a quiet but entertaining summer. I have kept us all busy one way or the other. Jaeben is now beginning Junior High. WOW! Our main focus is school, and baseball, I keep reminding him that girls are a waste of time! This is my last year home with Shanelle, I am looking into putting her into a pre-school class a couple of times a week. I cannot believe I am on the countdown with her until school. What am I going to do? I so much enjoy working with her on her colors, puzzles, etc. Things that I can't really do anymore with my older ones. They are so independent! Ya right. Jaeben has started up baseball again with a Club ball team, and I finally volunteered to be team mom. Shilesa is still working at Target, and won't begin school until August. She mostly works, and comes home. She is a great big help to me. I close with a favorite saying of mine: I love my family!


THM said...

Finally - I was wondering when you'd post next. Everyone looks great - Tisha's hair, Shilesa's sexy swimsuit, Jaeben's looking like a very handsome young man, and Shanelle is growing up too fast!

I can't wait to see you all for Thanksgiving - you'd better have your plane tickets!

heather said...

Just wanted to wish my sweet friend, Tisha a very happy birthday today! I hope you are doing well. I'd LOVE to see you when you come up for Thanksgiving this year. I need your email address too. Did you get the pictures I tried to email you? Love you! Have a happy day!

terryseviltwin said...

Tisha, I was going through some old photos, trying to decide what to send to Michael's father, and I was wondering what you had been up to. I did a search and found this blog! I am so sorry to hear about Bobby!
Please drop me a line!

Shauna said...

Hey Tisha....long time no speak! (well, besides the quick hi on Facebook now). I came across this when looking @ Heather's blog. So so sorry to hear about your husband. Can't even begin to imagine what that would be like to go through! I wish you all the best & hope you are doing well!
Shauna (Leach) Coleman